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Gourmet Plus

440 East St.
Pittsboro, North Carolina 27312
Contact Name: Donna Bianco
Phone: (919) 545-0900

This is a new venture from the owners of Bella Donna restaurant in Pittsboro. Since its closing Gourmet Plus is here to bring you all the delicious offerings. Order all the food you will need for next week by 9 a.m. Friday mornings. 

You can pick from their our extensive quarterly menu- as many or as few servings and options as you need. There are gluten free options, vegetarian, whatever you need is included in the extensive menu.  

Get the family together, bring them to the menu page, everyone gets to choose.  If you are elderly or have a difficult time in the kitchen these days, don't worry, pick what you like and all you have to do it warm it up.

There will be multiple suggestions as to the best practice for heating up a particular item: oven, stove top, or microwave.  You will have choices of SOUP,  SALAD, ENTREES, DESSERTS and even a BREAKFAST FOR DINNER casserole.

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